(Pete is not advocating Marxist revolution.)
Recently, a mother and her two young children came up to me downtown wanting to pet my carriage horse, the amazingly cute and handsome Pete.
She said that they would love to take a carriage ride, but, unfortunately, her husband had vetoed that idea, claiming that carriage rides were "too bourgeois."
I shrugged, but I wanted to add that if anything we were "too aristocratic." After all, the vis-a-vis is the carriage of royalty.

Carriage rides might also be construed as rural or agrarian or even "developing world."

But "bourgeois"? Really? BOURGEOIS?
A tour by minivan is "bourgeois."
Pete thinks these are "bourgeois":

Photo 1: (by thedrafthorse) Pete on the Street.
Photo 2: The Queen's Royal Carriage (Though I guess it's technically a Landau...but the passengers sit face-to-face: Vis-a-vis!)
Photo 3: This lovely horse in Georgia by Henning(i) is courtesy of flickr's Creative Commons.
Photo 4: (by thedrafthorse) Pete surveys the quack attack.
LOL, love this entry!
And dayum, Pete is one fine looking hoss! Percgheron/Friesian maybe? Gorgeous! Love the roached mane :-)
I'm glad I found this blog! :::off to look around:::
Well, if I had a husband who thought carriage rides were "bourgeoisie", I'd simply leave him staring at the rest of us from the sidewalk as that handsome horse trotted merrily off down the street with all of us in tow.
A tour on that duck bus is just plain tacky. Here in Santa Fe, the tour buses have vigas and latillas, no kidding.
Pax. Kimberly
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