(Pete is not advocating Marxist revolution.)
Recently, a mother and her two young children came up to me downtown wanting to pet my carriage horse, the amazingly cute and handsome
She said that they would love to take a carriage ride, but, unfortunately, her husband had vetoed that idea, claiming that carriage rides were "too bourgeois."
I shrugged, but I wanted to add that if anything we were "too aristocratic." After all, the vis-a-vis is the carriage of royalty.
Carriage rides might also be construed as rural or agrarian or even "developing world."

But "bourgeois"? Really? BOURGEOIS?
A tour by minivan is "bourgeois."
Pete thinks
these are "bourgeois":

Photo 1: (by thedrafthorse) Pete on the Street.
Photo 2:
The Queen's Royal Carriage (Though I guess it's technically a Landau...but the passengers sit face-to-face: Vis-a-vis!)
Photo 3: This
lovely horse in Georgia by
Henning(i) is courtesy of
flickr's Creative Commons.
Photo 4: (by thedrafthorse) Pete surveys the quack attack.